Get in touch to schedule an introductory meeting. You can:
• phone me on 07748 761972,
• email me at mse@clearviewlegal.co.uk, or
• book a meeting here
The main point of the introductory meeting is to find out whether we are a good fit for each other, and in particular whether I can provide value to you.
I try to avoid charging by the hour because it doesn’t really make sense for either of us. If I charge by the hour, then the slower and more inefficient I am, the more you pay. Conversely, the more productive I become, the less I earn.
I usually try to agree a fixed price with you before starting a project. As a general guide, my minimum rate for a project is £10k, and projects range between £10k and £100k.
But if you are a cash-strapped start-up with a really good idea, or if you are focussed on making the world a better place, then give me a call to discuss alternative arrangements.
Yes, I do. I believe in long term relationships. The better I understand your business and where it’s going (and where its market is going), the more value I deliver.
If this is something you are interested in we can discuss it when we first meet.
I specialise in B2B SaaS companies, including fintech and B2B tech in general. I have clients in fintech, proptech, medtech, insurtech and loads of other techs which don’t have specific names.
I also have clients that aren’t wholly tech businesses but heavily rely on tech to be successful.
I also have clients that aren’t tech at all (to the extent that’s possible nowadays) but use me for the value I bring.
I cover most of the transactions that are relevant to my sector. I cover standard SaaS contracts, buying and selling businesses, investment rounds (seed, SAFE, series A, B, C etc, as well as pseudo-investments such as convertible loans), shareholder agreements, option schemes and so on i.e. 99% of what a typical B2B SaaS company needs in terms of legals.
I have a strong background in IPR, GDPR, and AI legals. I publish in professional journals in those areas.
Some lawyers are pure regulatory lawyers and all they do is advise on regulation (or, more usually, a subset of a regulation). I’m a transactional lawyer that works in the regulatory space, which means that I use my knowledge of the relevant regulations to advise and structure a transaction so that it complies with said regulations.
If you picture a General Counsel working for a regulated company that will give you the general idea.
If there’s a material regulatory issue outside my knowledge base I will get a specialist involved but that doesn’t happen very often. In fact, it’s happened once in the last 10 years.
The main regulations I cover are financial services regulation, GDPR and the forthcoming AI regulations.
Yes, there are a number of areas which I don’t cover and, if needed, I will help you find an appropriate specialist (and manage them).
For example, I don’t do real estate transactions, pension schemes or full-blown litigation.
I cover most HR legal issues, but will recommend specialists for particular areas (e.g. discrimination, harassment, or breaches of restrictive covenant if the issue looks like it’s going to court).
I don’t cover litigation but I often get involved (and resolve the issue) in the pre-litigation stage.
If you are reading this, then you are probably not 100% satisfied with the service that you are getting with your internal lawyers.
I can help.
Once of the services I provide is reviewing how internal legal departments are working and then providing a roadmap from the as-is to the to-be. If required, I can also be the person that implements the roadmap.
Typically my best fit clients have a few things in common.
They are ambitious.
They have a strategy to get them where they want to go.
They believe that prevention is better than cure.
They know that outstanding legals will give them a competitive advantage.
I’m going to let my clients speak for me - see here