Contracts and Making Sales Easier - Part 2

I wrote last week about making Sales easier (an expanded definition of Sales which includes the Sales Contracting Process – SCP). Some weeks ago, I defined easier as moving customers from Hi Touch to Lo Touch, and from Lo Touch to No Touch.

All this falls under the rubric of GCCQ – Good Contracts Closed Quickly – which should be the mantra of every business that is interested in maintaining an effective Sales Contracting Process.

How do you make it easier for the Customer to sign the contract? There are a number of ways, but here’s one of the more fundamental ones – in two parts.

Part 1.

Work out what issues the customer will be most concerned about in the contract. This will vary from business to business, but it’s basic stuff. If you don’t know what the key sticking points are for your customers, then you are going to have to relive it each time.

Part 2.

Address these issues ahead of time so that they don’t cause holdups when it comes to signing the contract. There are loads of different ways to address this.  It can be FAQs, it can be dedicated pieces, it can be video – for example, a video on why your information security is so good, and how you test it regularly.

Every customer that is moved from Hi Touch to Lo Touch, or from Lo Touch to No Touch, is a win for making Sales easier.

A faster and more transparent SCP doesn’t necessarily mean making it easier for the other side’s lawyers to agree but done well and with the right levels of forward planning you’ve minimised the number of points that your customer’s lawyers have to get involved with.

The only really surprising thing is how few businesses take the trouble to address their customers’ concerns ahead of time.


Contracts and Making Sales Easier - Part 3


Contracts and Making Sales Easier - Part 1